👉Designing Customer Retention System Using SendGrid and Why it's Important ?
sendgrid, Customer retention, Forbes, Uber, Spotify, Airbnb, Gmail, Python
Table of contents
Why Customer Retention is Important?
- According to Optimove and Forex Trading, it exhibited a future value balance of 72% from existing customers and 28% from newly acquired customers:
- Forbes mentioned in its article that "Statistics show an increase in customer retention by 5% can lead to a company’s profits growing by 25% to around 95% over some time. The following factors are how you can profit from customers you retain."
Conclusion: Customer retention is a major part of the business.
Then What About Acquiring New Customers?
- According to Forbes new Consumers often reach out to other consumers who are already customers, before making a purchase decision, and I've found this to be especially true when the purchase is one of higher significance or higher value.
-- Fascinating Facts
Being one of the most trusted channels, WOM marketing is key when it comes to decision-making.
92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends.
WOMM brings in 5 times more sales than paid media.
74% of consumers identify word of mouth as a critical influencer in their purchasing decision.
88% of customers trust online reviews.
64% of marketing executives consider word-of-mouth to be the most effective form of marketing.
Brands that are able to create an emotional connection receive three times more word-of-mouth than those that don’t.
Word of mouth drives $6 trillion of annual consumer spending.
Conclusion: CRS is what drives the entire revenue.
Using SendGrid as a T**ool for Customer Retention System :**
--> steps to integrate : (Blog by SendGrid)
Python code :
import configparse
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
from sendgrid import SendGridAPIClient
from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Mail
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
def sendMailUsingSendGrid(api, fmail, tmail, sub, hcontent):
if API is not None and fmail is not None and len(tmail) > 0:
message = Mail(fmail, tmail, sub, hcontent)
sg = SendGridAPIClient(api)
response = sg.send(message)
except Exception as e:
settings = config["SETTINGS"]
settings = {}
API = settings.get("APIKEY", None)
from_email = settings.get("FROM", None)
to_emails = settings.get("TO", "")
subject = "Sample Test Message"
html_content = "Message successfully send through Python"
sendMailUsingSendGrid(API, from_email, to_emails, subject, html_content)
APIKEY = your_api_key
FROM = personalmani82@gmail.com
TO = edulamanibhaskar@gmail.com , ravivarma25052@gmail.com]
Note : replace your original SendGrid API key at your_api_key and put APIKEY in your .env file.
message received.
Done the research at LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd under the guidance of Vimal Daga sir.